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September 18, 2024

“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.” Romans 8:14

Dear Father God,

Fill me with the fruits of the Spirit as I walk along the path You intend for me on earth.

Grant that others will easily recognize me as a child of God by my loving heart, charity, and obedience to Your word.

Grant that I am always convicted to do the work, to carry my cross, and to accept my calling in the body of Christ.

Thank You for leading me to people I need and to people who need me.

Grant me as a beacon of the light of Jesus in this world of darkness, idol worship, lies, and selfish deviations.

Grant growing communities of prayer understanding, forgiveness, fasting, forbearance, love, worship of You, teaching of the word, all in growing disciples of Christ Jesus, in whom this prayer is offered,



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